Amused by the News


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Filtering by Tag: United States politics

Here we go again: liberals criticizing Trump on non-issues

Ok, I am not a fan of President Trump. I did not vote for him. I think many of his polices are bad.

However, just as conservatives drooled over any excuse to criticize President Obama, many liberals are doing the same for President Trump, his family, and his advisors. They are nitpicking anything that they can seemingly find fault with, criticizing the First Family for non-issues like high-heels and attire. Stop it. It is counterproductive to honest criticism of his policies. It gives his supporters another reason to tune out that criticism, not that most would listen anyway. It also is a turnoff to undecided and swing voters, and since those are the people liberals and Democrats need to reach out to in upcoming elections, you would think they would show some restraint.

But today it happened again, and liberal news sites ran with it like a hungry fish with a synthetic lure. Eventually, the hooks set in. 

Based on Ivanka Trump's interview with the Financial Times, The Daily Beast ran this gem: If Ivanka Can’t Influence Trump, Then What Is Her Job? Only she never said it wasn't her job, as an advisor, to influence the President. In the interview she said that people have “unrealistic expectations” of how much she can influence her father.

Big difference.

The Huffington Post originally jumped on the bandwagon, but later revised their original title and content with this clarification:

Clarification: The headline has been amended to more accurately paraphrase Ivanka Trump’s remarks that her critics have “unrealistic expectations” of her influence, not that any influence on her father is “unrealistic.” Language has also been added to reflect that Trump was referring to public disagreements, not disagreements of any kind, in regard to her being “part of the team.”

Listen, I get it. Many are not happy that Ivanka Trump is an official advisor to President Trump. Boo hoo. In the light of President Trump pulling out of the Paris accords, pissing off key trading partners with his America First policy, making military threats he can't keep, and challenging immigration policies that even Republicans favor, who cares? If someone is running through the streets setting buildings on fire with a flamethrower, I don't think what his wife is wearing would be an issue with which I would be concerned.

But that is exactly what many liberals are doing in their criticism of President Trump and the First Family.

For those who care to know, this is what Ms. Trump said in her interview:

Some people have created unrealistic expectations of what they expect from me, that my presence in and of itself would carry so much weight with my father that he would abandon his core values and the agenda that the American people voted for when they elected him. It’s not going to happen. To those critics, shy of turning my father into a liberal, I’d be a failure to them.

I hear ya, Ivanka.

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